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Message à The Fray


Isaac, Joe, Ben and Dave, without forgetting Jeff and Jeremy, your fans love you ! So I created this page for us and for you. To say how your music touches us,  how we are faithful to you for many years, how we love you.


Thank you for all ! And we hope to see you soon in Europe !



          Amélie (@lilie021) 30 ans, Lyon, France


Hello The Fray ! I love you so much guys !!! I think I'm your biggest French fan. I can't live without you, without your music. I'm so happy with your new album Scars & Stories which is really really really great ! I love all the songs and it's difficult to choose my favorite. I want to congratulate you for all this wonderful work you have done! Well done !
I remember the first time I heard "You Found Me" ... I could never forget this moment my whole life !
I was in my car, I came home from work, and I heard this song on the radio. I turned up the volume, and I wondered who was behind this beautiful voice ...
Since that day, I can't stop listening to you, and I follow you every day on Twitter and Tumblr ! And I created this website ...
I hope to see you soon in Paris. This is my dream to see you in concert and to meet you ! I will be there before and after the show ! I'll sleep there if necessary !  I can't miss you guys !!!
Thanks for all you give to us, your love, your songs, your humor !!!
Thank you !!!


Emmanuelle, 32 ans, Lille, France               


Hello guys !!!
My name is Manu and I'm a very big fan of The Fray !!! Your music is so beautiful !!! I love it and listen to it everyday. Your songs make me feel happy, and help me to forget my problems when I'm sad !!! I thank you for that !!!
You have a very big place in my heart. I hope that one day I see you in live, it's really a dream !!! I don't have much money but when this day will come, I will be there !!! It's very important for me .
Your new album "Scars and Stories" is great. My favourite songs are "The fighter"," Here we are" and of course "Rainy Zurich" (Maybe because I love Joe so much !!!, but I love you all, you' re all great !!!)... and "Munich" too, ... In fact, it's very difficult for me to make choice !!!
I thank you again for all the happiness you give to me !!! I kiss you all !!!


                  Jeromine, 21 ans, Dijon, France

I love you !!!
The first time I heard you, it was on the radio (in 2007) and I couldn't turn it off until the song was finished. I didn't know  you at all and I even put a few months before finding who played this beautiful song ("How To Save A Life").I first thought  it was a shame that so few people knows you, especially in France because this website ( didn't still exist  in French. Then I gradually discovered your band and each song didn't seem to me unknown . Then "The Fray" was released (for the moment I don't really know Scars & Stories but I think this is your best album !) and it was my greatest happiness of the year, even the decade. Yes I know I'm a bit excessive but just because it's you !
In short, since I've discovered you, I work hard to understand English (which is not easy !!!), to understand you in your songs, your videos, on twitter or facebook ... I love you, I love you, I love you ! Please come in France quickly !Your fans are orphans without you ! Come here and you won't want to go back anymore !


Jordan, 17 ans, Le Mans, France                

Hi The Fray!
My name is Jordan.
I discovered your music by chance without knowing the title and I became fan!
I found the title later thanks to a video.
I created my own band (with few musical instruments) and you were our inspiration.
I really like everything about you, your music of course but also your natural in interviews, and the atmosphere in your shows that I have not been!
Thank you for bringing me such happiness with your music.
Bye bye.
(Your national anthem was absolutely amazing !!!)


         Arnaud, 18 ans, Paris, France


Hello Guys !! I''m very found of your music. I discovered you in 2009 when I saw the clip of "You found me". I didn't know you and finally I found you !! Today, I have all your albums and I am one of your best fans (I think). I hope this english can be understood. Shakespeare's language is not my favourite language... but your lyrics, your words are so beautiful and your music so hopeful. Thank you very much to make muci like this. You are my heroes. Hope you will come in Paris !

Commentaires (5)

1. Amélie (site web) 19/09/2012

Biensur !!!!!!!! Et j'espère de tout coeur qu'ils le feront !!!

2. jordan 18/09/2012

tu nous tiendras au courant si ils te repondent ?!

3. Amelie (site web) 12/09/2012

Aller c est parti je leur tweet nos messages à défaut d avoir plus de monde !

4. Amélie (site web) 28/02/2012

Ca c'est vrai ! lol
J ai mis une photo que j'ai choisi Jéromine, mais si tu en préfères une autre, n'hésites pas a me le dire !

5. Jéromine 28/02/2012

Je note que pour l'instant il n'y a que des filles!!

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